Our Europe locations
Dexian UK Limited
Registered seat
Cannon Place
78 Cannon Street
EC4N 6AF London
VAT number: GB 181 3368 08
Registration number: 08659128
Tax number (company UTR): 4264305409
VAT number for Dexian: 181336808
+44 20 7367 2020
Billing address
Cannon Place
78 Cannon Street
EC4N 6AF London
Dexian Netherlands B.V.
Registered seat
Zuidplein 116-WTC Tower H, 14th floor
1077 XV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tax number: NL818872706B02
Registration nr: 818872706
KVK 24427316
Location number: 000019261586
+31 20 333 8320
Billing address
Zuidplein 116-WTC Tower H, 14th floor
1077 XV Amsterdam
The Netherlands